A Conversation with Cometan | Season 2 Episode 12 | Commencing the Establishment Era

2021-07-01 3

On this, Cometan's 23rd birthday, the Founder of Astronism formally announces the beginning of The Establishment of Astronism, a new era in the history of the Astronist belief system exactly eight years after its founding on 1st July 2013. In this single format sit down, Cometan gives us an insight into what this last eight years of the Founding era has been like. He explains the different events that have taken place during these eight years that have lead to Astronism's status as now being "founded" and the work he and other early Astronists have undertaken to secure Astronism's founding. Cometan also explains the plans and ambitions of the Astronist Institution for the impending Establishment era.

Thank you for watching Episode 12 of Season 2 of A Conversation with Cometan. Stay tuned for Episode 13 Coming Soon!

Visit The Official Website of Cometan: https://www.cometan.org​

Visit The Official Website of Astronism: https://www.astronism.com​

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© 2021 Astronist Institution